Detect, Prevent, and Protect against Fraud

A 2019 AFP Payments Fraud and Control Survey revealed that 82% of companies were targets of payment fraud in 2018. This is a staggering number of businesses who have been challenged with merchant account fraud, and only a fraction of them had proper mitigation techniques in place.
This is where Binary Gateways comes in.
We have a robust set of credit card, debit card, and ecommerce fraud prevention tools for merchants to detect credit card fraud and protect your merchant account from risk.

Ready to Get Started?

Create an account instantly and be assured with our fraud prevention tools. You can also contact us to design a custom package for your business.

Limit Merchant Account Fraud Risk

Making small adjustments to your business can make a huge impact. This is why simple things like displaying a foolproof refund and return policy and tracking the shipments you send and receive will reduce your risk of credit card fraud.

Filters and Thresholds

Merchant account fraud commonly takes the form of sudden, repeat transactions or higher than average ticket sizes. For this reason, it is important to keep track of these metrics when running your business. Set up volume and redundancy filters to cut out the noise and bolster your credit card fraud detection tactics.

Payment Fraud and Your Merchant Account

It’s common that the merchant account’s supporting bank assumes the initial responsibility when credit card fraud occurs. As a result they often exercise fraud prevention measures such as maximum limits and high volume filters. And a freeze will be placed on the merchant account if the bank notices unusual account activity.

But after that initial responsibility is fulfilled, the supporting bank will look to you to recoup their losses. This may be by drawing from your merchant account reserve or putting more limits on your payment gateway.

Do what you can to mitigate risk factors for fraud on your merchant account by implementing the filters above, utilizing chargeback protection for friendly fraud, as well as working with your merchant account provider. Binary Gateways provides some of the best credit card fraud prevention for merchants on the market. They utilize tactics that help your account stay healthy and happy longer. Find out more about our process and what your business needs by starting the conversation about merchant account fraud.